Container Home Videos

 Welcome to the Container Homes Video Page! This is by far one of our most favorite pages on our blog. We take time to both acquire videos from other container home owners, as well as create our own videos! We also request that you send us a video with a tour of your beautiful container home! If its a 20 foot single unit.... or 14 forty-foot units, please send us a tour! We will share it with the world and accredit you for your help!  


Check out this awesome virtual tour on an 800 square foot, triple wide twenty-footer setup. This is an amazing build that can be done for as little as $80,000 dollars depending on hour frugal you are wiling to be with the necessities. Lets us know what you think! Comment below in regards to @video1son


This is another great build! This is one of our units! We build them with one bedroom, one bathroom, and kitchen and living quarters. Let us know what you think! This is by far one of the most affordable to units to just up and buy, ready to go. If you are interested, please visit the "Purchase A Container Home" page in our blog! Let us know what you think in the comments below in regards to @video2son


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